






Please return all library materials now.

Any questions, stop by the media center.


学生必须每天穿制服. IF you need to borrow a uniform you must do so before the end of first period.    Students borrowing a uniform after first period




Students must report to the cafeteria during their designated lunch times. No student is allowed to leave the lunch room without a pass from a teacher or administrative approval. Students are not permitted to hang out in the Student Lounge, 临时房间, or conference rooms during their lunch times






If you need to take a medication at GCCC, you are required to have a prescription from your doctor AND provide the school nurse with the medication. This includes Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Benadryl, etc. GCCC does not provide students with any medications. This may be different from your home school so check in with the school nurse if you have any questions or you need the form! 




Students are not permitted to wear shorts/ hoodies/leggings or sweatpants/ joggers/ track pants (except exercise science) or jeans with holes in them! 














First period teachers please check for uniforms AND IDs! 

Any STUDENT not in proper 2023-2024 GCCC uniform must report to room 2317 to borrow a uniform. 












Bellbrook students will be dismissed at 1:10 on Thursday (23rd). 



Please check your google classroom for Bellbrook announcements. 









ATTENTION STUDENTS – If you want a yearbook, you better order if now. In the fall, there will be a few extra copies BUT THEY WILL COST MORE. 

Cedar Cliff –Thursday (23rd) Students will be released at 1:25 pm.

If you went to prom preview and have pictures that you like, send them to Hannah Peterson or Mrs. 理发师.










女士们! Want to continue to lift through the summer or get started lifting for the first time? Coach Rohler will have the weight room open and provide assistance for all girls interested in conditioning over the summer. 欢迎初学者! 是时候进入举重时代了! Lifting sessions will start next week on Wednesday, May 29, from 7:00 am until 8:30 am. Start lifting with us and receive information about future workouts. There will be no lifting during the week of June 3rd through the 8th due to vacation, but we’ll be right back at it starting on June 10th. 如果你有问题,请联系 (电子邮件保护) .


Attention prospective basketball players: Wait! 有更多的! We will be holding four more off-season basketball workouts at Baker Middle School throughout the rest of May. 锻炼日期如下:

•      Sunday, May 26: 1:00 to 3:00 pm

•      Monday, May 27: 5:30 to 7:30 pm

•      Tuesday, May 28: 5:30 to 7:30 pm

•      Thursday, May 30: 5:30 to 7:30 pm

We will also be releasing a workout schedule for June. Come to the workouts and stay in touch! 


Students- an email was sent to your account requesting potential interest in Summer School to recover any credits not earned during the school year. Please take a moment to check your email from Mr. Stegall. It is important that you read the rules outlining Summer School before filling out the survey.


关注下属: Are you looking for a summer job? Fairborn City Schools’ Central Office is looking for 12 students to be full-time, 季节性, summer workers that will help with moving and cleaning. 这份工作的时薪是13美元, and you will be required to work Monday through Friday, 早上七时至下午二时, 6月3日起, 2024年至8月2日, 2024. You must be at least 16 years old, and apply for this position online. If you are interested, go to the 一天ton Area School Consortium at http://www.applitrack.com/dayton/onlineapp 填写申请表格. 




正规的棋牌平台排行榜view – Thursday (23rd) Students will be released at 11:30.


所有的Seniors! Including GCCC and CCP: 正规的棋牌平台排行榜view uses NAVIANCE to assist with all of your college and career search needs, 包括成绩单要求. If you need to request a transcript for a college, you will need to use your NAVIANCE account. 所有学生都有一个NAVIANCE账户. Please check your 正规的棋牌平台排行榜view email for information on how to log-in and use the program and how it works with Common App.

职业中心 Students: reminder if you have any questions regarding accessing your 正规的棋牌平台排行榜view email account, 请与夫人联系。. 加德纳. (电子邮件保护) 




毕业纪念册来了! If you ordered a yearbook, please pick it up during your lunch period. Seniors can collect their yearbooks at the senior picnic. 在线和GCCC学生请发邮件 (电子邮件保护) to arrange pick-up on Wednesday, May 22nd, or Thursday, May 23rd. 



职业中心 students cannot come into the building after school. Athletes must go in the back athletic entrance. 


Just a reminder, that XHS daily announcements are posted on the XHS website. 










2023-2024年年鉴现已上市. All the orders are done online through the Jostens website Jostens.com/yearbook. 如果你有任何问题,请问. H知道. 


你喜欢骑山地自行车吗? 你想为学校赛跑吗? 看到先生. 我想组建一个团队.


"Do you want to make some money this summer?   你工作努力吗?   School Forest is hiring a small crew in early June to care for our Christmas trees. For more details, see the signs up around school or Mr. 一天.







© 2024. 正规的棋牌平台排行榜县就业中心. 版权所有.